Now, if you've read the previous disposable
diaper costs information, and still aren't convinced . . . spend a few minutes thinking about the following:
Fisher-Price High Chair |
There are a lot of important baby supplies you will be purchasing for your new child. How much do you plan to spend on your baby's highchair? A Fisher-Price High Chair will average $140.00, and your baby will use it one to three times a day, up to half an hour at a time . . . for about two years.
Wouldn't you agree it's worth the money?
Safety 1st Alpha Omega Elite Car Seat |
How about a car seat? You'll need an infant seat, toddler seat and booster seat. Or something like an Safety 1st Alpha Omega Elite Car Seat. It costs about $170.00. Your baby will use it two to six times a week, up to an hour at a time . . . for two to eight years.
Certainly an item you can't afford NOT to buy!
Now, how much do you plan to spend on your baby's stroller? A good-quality stroller, like Evenflo Vive Travel System averages around $170.00, and your baby will use it two to six times a week, up to two hours at a time . . . for about two to three years.
Wouldn't your back and arms agree it's worth the money?
Most parents-to-be consider the crib to be the first, and most important, purchase. An Graco Lauren Classic Crib and a Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress will cost you at least $230.00, and your baby will use it from zero to eighteen hours per day. That's seven days a week, for two to three years.
(Hands up, all those babies that prefer to sleep with Mom!)
What value will you put on an item your baby will use 24 HOURS per day . . . SEVEN DAYS per week . . . for at least 18 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS? An item worn against the most sensitive, vulnerable and precious part of your baby's body? An item which must not only offer a comfortable, snug fit . . . but must be durable enough to last through at least 200 wetting, pooping, rinsing, washing and drying cycles!?
BumGenius Freetime AIO Cloth Diaper |
Compare the value of a high-quality, convenient-to-use, long-lasting cloth diaper, such as BumGenius Freetime All in One Cloth Diaper averaging around $20.00 each and will fit birth to potty training . . . to the tiny newborn outfit Auntie Sally bought for $40.00 and your baby may not wear more than once!
Deciding on an economical system of 36 OsoCozy Better Fit prefolded diapers in small and 36 OsoCozy Better Fit prefolded diapers in large, plus 4 packages of Dappi Waterproof 100% Nylon Diaper Pants, would cost you less than $230.00 for everything!
Comparing this to the costs of disposables
, you would be able to recoup your initial outlay in less than two months!
And at an average of 6,000 diaper changes, that's less than four cents per diaper change!
Alva Baby AIO Cloth Diapers |
Choosing a more expensive system, such as 36 Alva Baby AIO Cloth Diapers could cost you $324.00.
Comparing this to the costs of disposables
, you would be able to recoup your initial outlay within your baby's first six months.
Which means the rest of your baby's diapering years are FREE!!!
That works out to less than six cents per diaper change!
Yet, this extra cost will buy convenience for you, and a comfortable snug fit for your baby. To be enjoyed by your baby, and you, through-out 6,000 changes!
Not to mention saving your wallet anywhere from $560 to $1,600!!
So it's up to you...
A month from now you could have lugged home two or more JUMBO-sized packages of disposable
diapers . . . making you an average of between $25.00 to $70.00 poorer for every single month you do so . . .
Or you can INVEST in your child's future, and diaper in soft, comfortable cotton cloth diapers.
This article compliments of Born to Love.
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Born to Love articles are written by Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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Last updated - April 5, 2024