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This is something I've been thinking about for some time now. I keep wondering if all the stories I've been hearing about women - with true low supply - is a growing problem or just because women with this difficult problem are posting to the Internet for help, more often.
I know that there are many women who have low supply due to poor information and support. But I have read so many stories lately about women who have truly struggled, sought out information and support, tried every suggestion and still have been unable to breast-feed their babies without being forced to supplement with formula.
Is it possible that, as a species, we could have lasted this many eons if a mother could not nurse her own babies? Surely this genetic tendency would have died out very early in our human history? Life was too much of a struggle at the beginning of human life that every baby could be wet nursed by the other mothers in the group or tribe.
Has an evolutionary process stepped in due to the generations of formula-fed babies? Have environmental toxins affected our abilities to nourish our babies from our own bodies? Have we psychologically interfered with the whole pregnancy/birth/parenting cycle so much so that certain synapses of the brain are not kicking in on schedule?
Are the chemicals and pollutants in our modern diet reducing our body's ability to function in it's original state? Has the stress of modern life affected the chemically-balanced nature of our body's workings? Are the electrical fields surrounding us on a daily basis affecting the Electro-magnetic balance of our bodies?
These are serious thoughts that tumble through my head. When you consider all the things that we hear about how the modern world is affecting our bodies, I can't help but wonder if this is a real problem that could be worsening.
If no-one notices the increase in true low milk supply, will we someday look back with nostalgia at those last days of the 20th century when women were still able to nourish their babies from their own bodies, before we lost the ability?
Any thoughts???
This article compliments of Born to Love.
Other articles that might be of interest:
• Just 27 of the Many Reasons Why Born to Love Supports Breast-feeding!
Send questions, comments, and suggestions to: catherine@borntolove.com
Born to Love articles are written by Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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Last updated - April 5, 2024