Rockin' Green Laundry Detergent |
Believe it or not, this is true. When Andrico was a baby and I was doing my undergrad, I was extremely poor. I did not own a washing machine, and did not have the money to spend on gasoline or wear and tear on my car to take diapers to the laundromat every couple of days (nor did I have $1.00 per load to wash them). (Read more)
Washing diapers at home is actually quite simple. This is a very detailed description. Initially it may sound complex, but you'll soon find it routine. (Read more)
There has been a great deal of talk about how expensive washing cloth diapers can be. But is it real? Or just hype to scare you back to using disposable diapers? Pull out your grocery bill, and utility bills, and let's talk dollars and sense! (Read more)
Several things can lead clean diapers to smell - vinegar in the rinse, A&H detergent, too long between washing, soaking in poopy water, hot rinses, too much laundry detergent, dirty diapers not unrolled, polyester, hard water, washing soda, overloading the washer and diaper rash remedies. Let's talk about these different factors... (Read more)
One common problem experienced by all using cloth diapers is smell. Here are some common causes that can exacerbate the problem. You may not be experiencing problems with your current washing routine, but if you are here are some suggestions to combat the problem. (Read more)
Toss those stinky diapers right back into the washing machine! Wash them through several washing cycles with nothing added, till the water runs clear - no bubbles. No need to dry between cycles. (Read more)
Samsung Baby Care Washer for Baby Clothes and Reusable Diapers |
Hollie Schultz of Baby Gizmo shows you this feature rich small and compact Baby Care Washer by Samsung. Perfect for babies with sensitive skin and moms that have to do laundry everyday.
(Watch Review) ~
(Watch Demo)
The main misconception about diapering with cloth is that they are hard to wash. (Read more)
Cloth diapers are regaining their popularity as more and more parents realize that cloth provides environmental and health benefits for babies. However, most of us didn't grow up using these diapers, and aren't sure how to keep our babies' diapers clean and sanitary. (Read more)
There is really nothing fancy about getting diapers clean, white, and sanitized. The following items you will find at your favorite grocer. Most people do just fine with this basic list of products and techniques. (Read more)
Laundry Alternative Wonderwash |
How do you know if your cover needs lanolizing? When you wash it, press it into the water. Look for the following signs... (Read more)
You may be wondering if the use of distilled white vinegar is truly essential in your cloth diaper wash. After all, there seems to be such a good amount to remember as it is, and if you can cut something out of the routine, vinegar seems to be the most viable option. (Read more)
To understand what is needed to achieve effective cleaning, it is helpful to have a basic knowledge of the soap and detergent chemistry.
(Read more)
Diaper Pails were an area of great confusion for me when first getting going with cloth diapering. I knew where to buy pails for disposable diapers – but couldn’t find a thing meant to accommodate cloth diapers. (Read more)
I know we've missed your favourite cloth diapering article or resource - so tell us and we will add it to the list!
This article compliments of Born to Love.
Send questions, comments, and suggestions to: catherine@borntolove.com
Born to Love articles are written by Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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Last updated - April 5, 2024