Save Dollars on Diapers: Smart Strategies for Slashing Diaper Costs |
Do Cloth Diapers Seem Too Expensive?
-- A disposable
diaper will only cost from 20-36 cents per diaper, and you can pick them up along with your groceries, so how can they really be as expensive as spending several hundred dollars on cloth diapers? Even if it does cost a little bit more for disposables
, isn't easier to spend just a small amount each week?
Expensive to Wash Cloth Diapers?
-- There has been a great deal of talk about how expensive washing cloth diapers can be. But is it real? Or just hype to scare you back to using disposable diapers? Pull out your grocery bill, and utility bills, and let's talk dollars and sense!
The High Cost of Convenience - The Risks of Disposable Diapers
-- Close to ten billion disposable
diapers are manufactured from valuable wood pulp in the United States every year. This represents more than eight hundred million pounds of paper, used once then thrown away. It can not be recycled. For each baby diapered with disposable
diapers more than half a ton of non-biodegradable waste is dumped into the environment.
The Ultimate Cloth vs. Disposable Diaper Calculator
-- Do you know if cloth diapers are cheaper or are disposable diapers less expensive? Well the answer is it depends!
Diapering Cost Comparison
-- I've seen lots of numbers thrown around in favour of cloth diapering vs. disposable, and I have had a friend recommend diaper service saying there's no way that disposable could be cheaper, so I have attempted a cost analysis based on what I know.
Ecofrugal Baby |
How Much Do Diapers Cost?
-- Cloth diapers can start at around $30 for a kit including three diaper covers and a day's supply of diapers. Washing costs might be 50 cents to $1 per laundry load. Total supplies might be $200-$300 in the first year for diapers and wraps in different sizes as the child grows.
How Many Diapers?
-- HowManyDiapers.com is a free tool to help you estimate how many disposable
diapers you'll need, and what sizes, for any time period. Calculations use the CDC's baby growth data, and the diaper manufacturer's sizing and usage charts. You may be surprised at how many disposable
diapers you will need!
Diaper Cost Comparison
-- It turns out to be surprisingly difficult to determine the relative costs of disposable
versus reusable diapers. While Pampers states on their FAQ, A cost comparison shows Pampers diapers total expenditure for consumers range at the low end of the cheapest home-laundered cloth diapers, and cost roughly half the price of a cloth diaper wash service
, they make no statement regarding how the cost comparison was conducted and they are certainly not an unbiased source. Unbiased sources tend to claim that reusable diapers are less expensive, only differing with regard to the exact amounts.
The Hidden Costs of Cloth Diapering and Disposable Diapering
-- My cousin, an avid couponer who has diapered her babies in disposable diapers for almost NO money (hi Tiffany!) raised a really great point on my site, suggesting that perhaps cloth diaperers are not completely upfront about the costs of cloth diapering a baby.
The Diaper Debate: Calculating the Cost of Cloth vs. Disposable
-- Every parent knows that cutting costs is a must when balancing the baby budget. When it comes to making the choice between reusable cloth diapers and disposable
diapers, new parents have a lot to consider. Luckily, our Diaper Cost Calculator takes the guesswork out of your diaper dilemma by factoring in the complete cost of cloth diapers versus the cost of disposable
Cloth Diaper Savings Calculator by eLeMeNO-Pee
-- Enter the average cost of your Dream Stash
diaper first. This is the first box in the table (Step 1). High is $25 each, typical is $15.
I know we've missed your favourite cloth diapering cost comparison - so tell us and we will add it to the list!
This article compliments of Born to Love.
Send questions, comments, and suggestions to: catherine@borntolove.com
Born to Love articles are written by Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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Last updated - April 5, 2024