Popular Articles: |
Rockin' Green Cloth Diaper and Laundry Detergent |
RnG - Rockin Green Cloth Diaper Detergent
ROFLOL - rolling on the floor, laughing out loud
SAHD - stay-at-home dad
SAHM - stay-at-home mom
SBISH - SustainableBabyish - a brand of diapers
SIWW - Super Industrial Whisper Wrap - a polyester knit wrap by Bummis
Snappi - Snappi cloth diaper fastener - three-pronged plastic fastener used to secure prefold and flat diapers instead of using pins
Soaker - (1) a crochet or knitted wool diaper pull-on or wrap diaper cover
Soaker - (2) an additional layer added inside a diaper to increase absorbency to a diaper, also called an insert, liner or doubler.
SO - Significant Other
SWW - Super Whisper Wrap - a polyester knit wrap by Bummis
TBW - thebabywearer.com - a baby carrier, sling, wrap community
TDD - The Daily Diaper - Diaper WAHM listings
TP - The Trading Post at MDC - you need to be a member for 90 days and have 50 posts before you can view this forum
TTO - Tea Tree Oil, Essential Oil often added to wipe solution or to launder diapers.
Chinese Unbleached Prefold Diapers |
UBCPF - Unbleached Chinese Prefolds
UC - used condition
VGUC - very good used condition
WAHD - work-at-home-dad
WAHM - work-at-home mom
Wet Pail - A method of storing soiled diapers for laundering.
Wicking - The movement of liquid through fabric. With covers and AIOs, wicking refers to the movement of liquid from the inside of the diaper to the outside, resulting in wet clothing. With pocket diapers or fleece lined soakers, wicking refers to the movement of liquid through the micro fleece or suede cloth to the absorbent layer of the diaper, resulting in a stay dry feeling next to babys skin.
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary or - you may do it a different way?
I know we've missed your favourite short form, diaper product, diaper lingo - so tell us and we will add it to the list!
This article compliments of Born to Love.
Send questions, comments, and suggestions to: catherine@borntolove.com
Born to Love articles are written by Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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Last updated - April 5, 2024